We promise to do our part and provide a safe & clean environment for your dancers.

COVID-19 Policies & Procedures


Parents & Dancers please watch this video before your first day of dance!!!

We are really looking forward to social dis-dancing with y'all!


  • We have measured how many students can fit within each studio while socially distanced, and we are not exceeding that limit in any class.

  • For ages 8 and up: Masks will be worn entering & exiting the building, as well as when transitioning from studio to studio and throughout the waiting areas.

  • Hand sanitizer will be distributed by the faculty upon entrance and exit of MDC. 

  • You are required to take your child’s temperature before coming to the studio each day. 

  • Wearing a mask while dancing is optional. 

  • Separate doors will be used to maintain social distancing upon entrance and exit.

  • Anyone experiencing signs of illness should stay home. 

  • Class formats will be modified to incorporate social distancing. 

  • Dancers will be spaced out with no face to face contact. 

  • Parents are required to report a positive test of a student or student’s family member to the office as soon as possible. 

  • Classrooms and equipment will be cleaned with disinfectant between each class.

  • During class, teachers are required to wear a mask, only while within 6 feet of a student. 

  • Teachers are required to wash their hands between every class.

  • Our lobby will be closed. Parents/guardians will not be allowed in the building.